The Eyes are a Window Into the Brain

(BPT) - A recent study found that in those who had aging-related cognitive issues, levels of several key micronutrients were nearly half compared with those who did not. Micronutrients are important minerals and vitamins that nourish the brain for critical cognitive and body functions.

Dr. C. Kathleen Dorey, lead researcher and author of the study, has been researching micronutrients and their impact on brain health for two decades. In 2004, she and Neal E. Craft, of Craft Technologies, reported that zeaxanthin (zee-uh-zan-thin) and lutein (two important micronutrients highlighted in the study) selectively accumulate naturally in the brain. Since that time, global research has revealed that those with higher levels of zeaxanthin and lutein in their macular pigment demonstrated better cognition over time.

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