(BPT) - Full-time U.S. employees are frustrated with poor technology in the workplace. A new survey from Compucom found that one in three workers say that they often or always have bad experiences with workplace technology, and it’s having an impact on productivity. Thirty-four percent of workers report losing more than 20 minutes of work each day.
Technology failures exacerbate workplace stress and with burnout levels already high, poor technology might push workers to leave. Over 50% of full-time workers admit that they have applied to other jobs, looked up jobs or even left their jobs because of technology trouble. This can lead to the loss of valuable employees and budget to recruit, replace and train talent.
So what solutions are there? The survey found that 36% of workers say they’d like to have a say in technology options, and 70% of employees say that they would have a higher level of productivity in their job if they could choose the technology they want. It goes to show how important the power of choice is in the workplace.
Compucom is a leading provider of technology sourcing, infrastructure and end-user support solutions through a customer-centric approach. The company tailors solutions to improve employee productivity and engagement, which leads to a better customer experience and operational efficiency.
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