December 17 we lost the love of my life, Bill. So sudden and unexpected. My hero, my teacher of love and kindness. My honor to be your wife for 45 years. What a ride we had! Kindest of men, a builder, a contractor. Bill built our home from the ground up. Owner of El Dorado Door and Trim. Built and ran a sawmill, even milled a hot tub. So creative, able to fix and repair anything. Built his 1966 Electra Glide 1st year Shovelhead Harley Davidson stock and custom for which he won many awards. Bill was a lifelong outdoorsman, naturalist, photographer who loved fishing, boating, and RVing with his wife, having visited 22 National Parks. A study of nature, could spend hours stargazing with his telescope. Many long beach walks at his family’s home. What a beautiful life!
Stay with me, sit with me, mend my broken heart, my Love. I will feed the birds, check the wildlife cameras, I will watch every sunrise, every sunset as you always loved. I will catch every rainbow you send. You will live in my heart forever. Your huge loving family, seven siblings, many nieces, nephews, cousins, in-laws, and Mom of 98 years young. We will forever remember your kind and caring heart.
Goodnight my love forever and always, ‘til we meet again.
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“if tears could build a stairway, and memories a lane, I’d walk right up to Heaven and bring you home again.”
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