Karen Kay Mansel (nee Rupp), 1941 – 2023, of Georgetown, CA left this world for the arms of her Savior, Jesus Christ, on December 6, 2023. Karen grew up in Lancaster, CA and married Jim Mansel shortly after high school graduation. She is survived by her family: husband Jim, daughters Kathee Grgich (Steve) of Placerville, Kandee Swindle (Jeff) of Oregon House, and son Loren Mansel (Christi) of Elk Grove and grandchildren – Nate Grgich (Janae) of Placerville, Michael Grgich (Jenn) of Placerville, Joel Grgich (Laurie) of Camino, Jon Grgich of Placerville, Calvin Mansel of Elk Grove, Andrea Mansel of Elk Grove, Kelsee Swindle of Oregon House and Danica Mansel of Elk Grove and 13 great-grandchildren.Most of her life was spent in San Martin, CA where Karen and Jim were very involved with the San Martin Horsemen’s Association, the Henry Coe State Park Mounted Assistance Unit, Santa Clara County Parks Volunteers, the Evangelical Free Church of San Jose and South Valley Community Church. Karen was active in NATRC competitive trail riding from 1973-89. She was widely respected as a teacher of horsemanship and equine care.Karen and Jim moved to Georgetown, CA in 2006 where they remained active at the Mother Lode Church, Progress House, and Forward Bible Camp. Karen was a welcoming and warm woman who considered everyone a friend. She and Jim were always ready to lend a helping hand anywhere they could. She loved living among the evergreens in Georgetown as she always dreamed of doing since growing up as a child in the desert of Lancaster.A Celebration of Life will be held on January 6 at the Mother Lode Church in Lotus, CA at 1:30 pm. In lieu of flowers, a memorial camp scholarship fund has been established for children to attend Forward Bible Camp (forwardbiblecamp.com).
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