Cheryle Price, treasured and beloved mother and grandmother, passed away on December 12th, 2023 after many years of battling with cancer. Until the very end her positive energy, loving kindness, and calming presence continued to grace us all. She passed peacefully in her home, in bed next to her husband, who had passed away only 15 minutes before her, after his own brief battle with cancer. They had been married for 48 years and were together until the very end.
Cheryle was a long time resident of Placerville and had worked for decades at Federated Church Preschool. She loved working with children and considered it her life's work to help shape future generations. Her passion for fairness, justice, and treating all with love and respect was her mission in life, and all who knew her would agree she embodied all these qualities and more. She loved spending time outdoors, especially in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Eldest daughter Sierra Rose and her husband Chris Rose, grandchildren Emmett and Tallulah Rose, and son Colin Price and his wife Laura Price and granddaughters Julia and Aubrey Price will all miss her warm hugs, her laughter, and a love that radiated so strongly you could feel it.
A memorial service to celebrate her life will be held at Federated Church on February 17th. Please send any donations to Federated Church in Placerville.
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