Albert Banke passed away at home on October 18 at the age of 94.
Albert was born February 15, 1929 in Oakland, California to Peter and Daisy Banke. After they moved to McClellan Field, Al rode a school bus to Grant Technical College (American River Jr. College) where he spied Geri, a sophomore at Grant High School. There began a 75 year love story.
Married in 1950, Albert spent two years overseas during the Korean War, then joined CalTransportation and became an accomplished bridge designer. He was Project Engineer for the Newport Bay Bridge in San Diego, California and many projects in Sacramento and El Dorado Counties.
Al built two homes and remodeled several more. For thirteen years, he and Geri traveled the U.S. then gained two sons; Andrew Todd in 1963 and Samuel James in 1965. After 35 years at CalTrans Albert spent another 7 years with Greiner, Inc.
Albert loved computer technology, trains and people. Donating his time at Value Village (Treasures) and the El Dorado County Library were some of his great joys during retirement. Albert was blessed with two grandkids, Ryan James Banke and Nicole Calame.
No services will be held. Albert will be buried at the Kelsey Cemetery in Kelsey, California. Sweet slumber my darling. Thanks to family, friends, and Snowline Hospice for all their special help.
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