Jack Richard Pratt was born May 26, 1932 and passed away in Camino on Nov. 29 2023. Jack lived The majority of his 91 years in Camino. His parents Pearl Jack and Rose Ruth lived in Pino Grande, Where Jack was raised before moving to Camino. He attended Camino Elementary and El Dorado high school before being drafted. Jack met Mary Elam and were married in 1957.
Jack was employed by Michigan Cal from 1959 to1991. During that time , he volunteered with the Camino-Pollock Pines Fire department for 30 years. He also spent time fishing, reading , playing softball and woodworking.
After retirement Jack was a volunteer with the Sheriff's Dept. STAR's program for 28 years. Jack and Mary were recipients of the EDC Seniors of the year award in 2016.
Jack is survived by wife Mary, children-Mike, Jack, Sandy and Tina; along with 13 grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren. A memorial is planned for March 2024.
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So sorry to hear about
Jack. He and his family were lovely people. He will truly be missed. Condolences to the family. Pam Anderson
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