Jack was born to Elmo and Fay Stephens in 1946. He passed away Nov. 30 due to cancer and put up a long fight. He served in the Army for three years and spent a year in Vietnam with the 101st Airborne Division and stateside with the 82nd Division.
His career in banking started with Bank of America and lasted 32 years moving from Redding, Chico, Oroville, Grass Valley, Sacramento, and ended up as a bank manager in Placerville. There he joined the Rotary Club and was a member for many years and became president in 1997.
Jack loved to care for and help people until they reached their max potential. He was the type of guy you silently hoped to be paired up with in golf and that is the highest compliment. Jack was a member of the Skins game playing three times a week and won many tournaments. He was very proud of being Senior Golf Champion four years in a row at Cold Springs Country Club. Jack also played in the Bank of America Pro-Am where he played with Frank Nobilio.
Although Jack loved his golf, the most important thing to him was family. He married the love of his life, Amy, in Hawaii and they enjoyed travelling back to the various islands. He is survived by his wife, Amy, daughter, Karen Jensen (Scott), sister, Naomi Mikesell (George), brother, Larry Stephens (Darla), sister, Jean Cain (Troy), stepdaughter, Pam Law, and his beloved grandsons Greg and Sam Law.
His friends were many and he will be missed dearly by all who knew and loved him.
A Celebration of life will take place at a later date.
Donations in Jack’s memory may be made to the American Cancer Society or a charity of your choice.
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