Two of the STAR volunteers were released from the hospital last night and are recovering at home. The third STAR volunteer was transported to another local hospital however he remains in stable condition at this time. Â
Initially at the time of the incident, an Air Ambulance was requested for transport, however due to the weather conditions all three were transported to the hospital via ground transport. Â
The Sheriff’s Office is greatly appreciative for the numerous citizens who live in the area where the incident occurred who assisted on scene. Citizens assisted with the extraction of the volunteers by cutting the pine tree with chain saws into moveable sections and using an excavator to move the pine tree off the STAR vehicle. Citizens also used pry bars to help open the STAR vehicles as it had become crushed by the tree.
Original post:
Three volunteers with the Sheriff’s Team of Active Retirees were injured Wednesday when their patrol vehicle was struck by a falling tree in the area of Grizzly Flat and Sweeney roads in Somerset, according to information from El Dorado County Sheriff's Office Sgt. Kyle Parker.
The STAR volunteers were conducting security patrols at the time of the incident, about 2 p.m. The Sheriff's Office did not share the identities of the volunteers.
The three were transported to a local hospital for treatment.
Parker said an update will be provided regarding the conditions of the STAR volunteers at a later time
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God Speed! I hope everyone recovers quickly!
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