Early Sunday, Dec. 10, South Lake Tahoe Police responded to a call for the second time to the same home in the Tahoe Keys due to violence resulting in bodily injury.
According to officials, a fight broke out between a group living at the home who are allegedly doing work to remodel the home.
Aurelio Feliciano Perez Roblero, 35, was taken into custody Sunday off of Colorado Avenue just before 4 a.m.
“Everyone was intoxicated,” Sgt. Nick Carlquist said. “The first time someone was injured with a machete, the second time someone was injured with a kitchen knife.”
During both encounters with the police individuals were treated at the hospital for non-life-threatening injuries.
The suspect faces two charges — felony aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and misdemeanor DUI from a previous encounter.
Bail is set at $60,000, $10,000 of which is due to a previous DUI, Carlquist said.
Perez-Roblero remained in custody of the El Dorado County Jail as of Wednesday evening.
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They're not sending their best. Someone said.
American, truth be known, they don’t want their best.
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