The city of South Lake Tahoe has shared the winning names for the inaugural Name a Snowplow Contest. The top 10 names were selected by residents from a list of 36 snowplow names. The voting period was approximately three weeks, and 1,194 votes were cast.
“The Name a Snowplow Contest has been a great way to kick off our winter snow removal operations and to engage our residents in a fun activity," stated Anush Nejad, director of Public Works. "We look forward to seeing the winning names on the city’s snowplows during this winter season.”
The winning names, in order of vote totals are:
The Big LePlowski
Plowy McPlowface
Scoop Dog
Snowbi Wan Kenobi
Darth Blader
Sled Zeppelin
Sleetwood Mac
Austin Plowers
Decals with the winning names will be placed on snowplows in the next few weeks for the 2023-24 season. The city plans to have next year’s contest include names provided by kids in the community.
To see how the 1,194 participants voted for the top 10 finalists and to view all the snowplow names visit
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Sad times. Naming something innocent and productive after a druggie gangster racist.
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