El Dorado Winery Association celebrates the amazing wines crafted in El Dorado County during Passport Weekend, April 20-21. More than 20 wineries will participate in his annual event that showcases the unique wines and offers tastings, food pairings, entertainment, exclusive wine experiences, crafts and more.
With a one- or two-day Passport ticket, guests will enjoy exclusive access to limited bottlings and reserve wines and discover the unique character of the region.
The association is offering early bird tickets at a great savings and peace of mind knowing you're locked into one of El Dorado County's most popular wine events.
But like all good things, this deal is only around for a short time. Early bird tickets are available until 11:59 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 11. For tickets go to cellarpass.com/events/el-dorado-passport-2024-10390.
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