Ken Calhoon

Ken Calhoon

Before giving serious thought as to what my readers should expect from the 2024 real estate market, I wanted to first review what I considered the significant real estate topics of 2023 and my analysis at the time. Theodore Roosevelt famously said, “The more you know about the past, the better you are prepared for the future.”

Woke January: The Biden administration announced its plans to make housing more affordable for selected minorities. Federally backed mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were directed to lower their mortgage underwriting standards and provide financial incentives exclusively for selected minorities.

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(2) comments


It would seem to me that if 7.5 million people left California that would have resulted in a lot of vacant housing. Were all those people homeless that left? I don't think so. What sayest thou?


All things, mostly negative, described in this column can be laid right at the leftist doorstep of the dems/progs who have had their leftist political strangle hold on this state for many decades. As with all things that the dems/progs touch, it always make life miserable for the rest of us who still possess a brain. Ca. will be for the foreseeable future under dem/prog control, but we do have a chance to throw them out at the federal level come 2024. We shall see.

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