Martin Sexton commands the stage with only an acoustic guitar and a “suitcase full of heartfelt songs.” See him live at Miners Foundry. Photo by E. Lazin
NEVADA CITY — With a voice dripping with authenticity and lyrics to stir the soul, An Evening with Martin Sexton is sure to be a delight.
Called “the best live performer I’ve ever seen” by legendary singer/songwriter John Mayer, Sexton commands the stage with only an acoustic guitar and a “suitcase full of heartfelt songs.” Kick off the month of love with an evening with the incomparable Sexton at Miners Foundry on Feb. 1.
With whatRolling Stone calls a “soul-marinated voice,” Sexton’s 2023-24 tour across North America, including stops throughout the U.S. and Canada that will last through the summer, is in support of his latest EP, "2020 Vision." This latest album was produced by three-time Grammy nominee John Alagia, known for his work with Mayer, Lukas Nelson and Dave Matthews. Sexton will also be reinventing his own classics for these critically acclaimed solo performances.
"2020 Vision"is Sexton’s homage to the experiences and lessons that came from that disruptive year.
“My album '2020 Vision'is a scrapbook of the time we all burned through with focus on the silver linings of it all … the time I spent with family doing things we would never have gotten around to doing, like cutting each other’s hair, waxing the floors, cleaning out closets and, most importantly, building that treehouse with my son that we had been fixin’ to build for years,” he explained, adding, “I was so honored to have John Mayer play on the track 'Calling on America.'”
Sexton’s songs have appeared in television series such as "Scrubs," "Parenthood," "Masters of Sex" and "Sprung," as well as in numerous films. Having headlined illustrious venues from The Fillmore to Carnegie Hall, Sexton has inspired a generation of contemporary artists. But what keeps his audiences always coming back for more are his incendiary live shows, honest lyrics and vocal prowess that create a new experience every time.
In addition to showcasing his new songs and re-imagining some of his older fan favorites, Sexton will play a selection of songs from the Beatles’ 1969 "Abbey Road," with plans for an additional fall tour performing that entire album.
“On this upcoming tour, people can expect to hear me flushing out some new material as well as singing a few tracks off 'Abbey Road,' as I have a dream to perform that record in its entirety in the near future. Also, they can expect the usual experience of three-part harmony sung by the audience choir.”
The show begins at 8 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 1, at Miners Foundry, 325 Spring St. in Nevada City. Tickets are available online at or in person at the Miners Foundry box office.
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