The family of Donna Lass was able to end 2023 with some closure, after law enforcement agencies identified the remains of their long-missing relative.
A skull found in Placer County in 1986 was identified as that of the Stateline, Nev., nurse, reported missing in 1970 and long thought to be a victim of the Zodiac Killer.
Lass’ family met with the South Lake Tahoe Police Department and Placer County Sheriff’s Office last week to discuss details involving the case.
With the help of South Lake Tahoe police, the family of Donna Lass shared the following statement with the Tahoe Daily Tribune:
“The family of Donna Lass is very grateful for all the efforts of the South Lake Tahoe Police Department, Placer County Sheriff’s Office and others that have worked to help to find our beloved Donna over the past 53 years.
The recent identification of Donna’s remains has provided some long-awaited closure to our family.
Donna, a 25-year-old registered nurse, was a beautiful, responsible, caring and compassionate person who remains deeply missed by her family and friends. We remain hopeful that ongoing investigative endeavors will yield additional information and, ultimately, justice for Donna.
We continue to ask that anyone who has information regarding the disappearance of Donna Ann Lass contact the South Lake Tahoe Police Department.”
SLTPD officials added, “The SLTPD, along with the entire investigative team in El Dorado and Placer counties, cannot express enough gratitude for the support of Donna’s family. We will continue to work together as this case progresses.”
Anyone with information regarding this case is encouraged to email South Lake Tahoe Police Department Detective Division at and reference case 0070-6436.
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