The November meeting of the El Dorado Chapter of California Native Plant Society will focus on the impact of the Mosquito Wildfire on Blodgett Forest Research Station and what Berkeley Forests is planning in the wake of the wildfire. Robert York, assistant professor of cooperative extension, will highlight plans to set up a new demonstration site in the wildfire footprint.Â
Berkeley Forests ( operates six research forests throughout the state to develop and test appropriate management strategies for forested watersheds. It is a project of theBerkeley Rausser College of Natural Resources of the University of California, Berkeley.
Berkeley Forests teams believe that, given the importance of fire in many ecosystems, along with people’s dependence on and development into inherently fire-prone landscapes, scientists need to reach a sustainable coexistence with wildfire. Berkeley Forests’ goal is to develop and disseminate science-based solutions to wildfire-related challenges. Assistant professor York regularly demonstrates traditional and new management approaches for policymakers, landowners, practitioners, and environmental organizations.He has developed the concept of "pyro-silviculture," which strives to incorporate prescribed burning as a fundamental component of forestry.
The California Native Plant Society is a nonprofit organization working to save and celebrate California’s native plants and places via plant science, advocacy, education and horticulture. CNPS has nearly 10,000 members in 35 chapters throughout California and Baja. The El Dorado Chapter of CNPS is active in educating about as well as identifying and protecting the many endemic plants of the area. To learn more about native plants and CNPS visitcnps.orgor
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