Boyd Holler

Boyd Holler

Early Tuesday morning Pioneer Elementary School Principal Boyd Holler, 37, was arrested on suspicion of cybercrimes involving minors, according to information from the El Dorado County District Attorney's Office.

Charges against the Somerset area educator include four counts of sending harmful matter to a minor and one count of contacting or communicating with a minor for the purpose of engaging in lewd and lascivious behavior. 

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(27) comments


These are the same people who the courts relie on for jury duty. Pretty scarey stuff.

Don Waters

What is up with all these GOP support for this loser? Seems like there is a lot of evidence against him with an FBI agent who was thought to be a pre-teen girl. Then there are some local accusations about toplessness. When people get picked up in cyber crimes there is usually a paper trail behind it. But let's focus on the real problem in our schools, not child molesters, but people that are gay. According to the GOP posters here child molestation is political and they won't make any judgements. But if you are gay, you are destroying America. How's that speaker of the house race going? Going to put in Gym Jordan who also knows a bit about sexual assault? The GOP is the party of pedophile I guess, oh yeah, then there is sex trafficking Matt Gatez. Awesome leaders the GOP has!


American, have you read all of the evidence coming out now? Do you want to keep defending this monster? Prove to us one more time that you don't care about the youth of america??

Real Patriot

Half the people on here are calling him an indoctrinating liberal and the other half are blaming the “radical left” for framing him. Can’t you cultists get your stories straight? Gotta try to blame everything on the scary democrats. Every time I read these comments I get dumber and dumber.


Anyone thinking of moving to small-town America needs to read these comments. This is the true mentality of those who are quick to judge their fellow citizens and "release the hounds". We don't need no " stinkin' judges or courts" to tell US how to live!


Imagine the chaos if these people were to get their way.


I just checked the Jail roster and friends/family have not bailed him out. He's been charged with 9 counts! Why don't you show your support for pedophiles and post his bail.


I checked this morning again and I was wrong.........He has a "No bail" hold . Unfortunately American, RD , Citezen and Dawn will not be able to have that tea party conversation about 'Innocent until proven guilty', supporting the accused, or why Gold Trail had a tampon dispensing machine put into boy's bathroom.


GG All schools have tampons in the boys restrooms because it is the state law. It's called "gender equity" for boys who think they're girls. You keep us posted on status of the accused and we'll keep boiling tar and plucking feathers. We don't need no stinkin' trial!


It is an open forum. Friends, co-workers, neighbors, and family could respond with rebuttals, defense, or character vouch. When it comes to the safety of our children the burden of proof is lessened; because we know we'd rather be wrong in our accusations; than wrong in allowing for continued child abuse. Priorities!


GG When did we start having trial-by-social media in this country? When did it become the new norm? Look how many lives of teachers have been destroyed by these types of kangaroo courts. Maybe he's guilty, maybe he's not. At least in court he can face his accusers and defend himself. He is still entitled to due process and a fair trial. If you are wrong in your accusations, do you just say 'sorry' and move on? I speak for all the accused having to endure comments like these.

Dawn E. Wolfson

Thank you, RD. I personally know people whose reputations were destroyed by false accusations. One thing we can actually agree one. Maybe there's hope for world peace.


With undeniable digital evidence, I doubt that this will see a trial; A plea bargain case for sure. A specialized joint task-force worked the case - I highly doubt that they did not make an arrest of this nature without crossing their "t" and dotting their "I's". I understand that is disturbing and disheartening, and that trust in humanity is lost discovering these things about a Principal; or clergy; or anyone of authority who violates it. Denial and fear can strip one of discernment and common sense. I speak for all the child victims who have endured abuse!

Don Waters

I think we can all agree, based on the FBI evidence and no-bail hold there is more than sufficient evidence to hold this criminal. I think the real problem here, with this group, is he's white. I'll say the quite part out loud, the GOP posters will give benefit to the doubt with white people at all costs of facts. How can white people be as awful as brown or black people? FoxNews tells me everyday to be careful of the crime these not white people bring. Of course El Dorado County isn't racist, we had white Christian Heritage month, and white supremacist's showed up to the board meeting and tossed their propaganda in my driveway, totally normal, not racist stuff. We don't see color in El Dorado County, LOL!


M.A.P.'s (they are of the rainbow coalation) do not belong near children or have any involvement in the lives of chikdren, ever. Holler finally gets caught unlike the last time when he quit his position as an educator. Luke 17:2

Mary Elliott-Klemm

Hmmm… definitely more to this than meets the eye. I agree that a joint task force with the FBI and the Sex Crimes unit will have done its homework. I also agree that waiting for further information is prudent before passing judgment . I will be interested to learn more as the case progresses.


Oh....Mr Holler, We entrusted you with El Dorado County's most treasured assets. This is not going to work out well for you and the choices you've made regarding teaching them about racial and sexual deviancies is intolerable.


This sounds more political in nature and not sexual - and as usual the reporting from the newspaper is less than forthcoming about facts. So I'm withholding judgment until we know the whole story. I'd encourage others to do the same.

Dawn E. Wolfson



Dawn, Boyd has a long disturbing history in this county and unfortunately local nepotism allowed him to continue as an educator. My own children were not protected by him at his previous job. This is what another family at the same school had to endure from him: Boyd quit his previous job before they could fire him. The superintendent left because of what he allowed Boyd to do there. It was a big mess.


Typical democratic lunatic response. Boyd was not the issue, some family played the race card saying he didn't do enough to prevent it? This is malarkey and you ALL know it. And what ever became of this? Likely it was an easy payout for some shyster to make them go away rather than endure the cost and public scrutiny of a court battle which the school district surely would have won. So I call shenanigans on this entire story, and it looks like more political attack under the guise of leftist perception of not being "fair enough" to special classes of people. Shame on you yimby.


So now amerika is defending pedoph*les??? You show yourself as a true troll when you flip flop that far to make a political argument. Hopefully the qnuts find out who you are defending, don't think they would agree.

Dawn E. Wolfson

Wasn't aware of the history, and while I don't agree with the original commenter that it was necessarily political in nature, I do stand by agreeing that we should wait for all the facts to come out. Too many false accusations in our legal system for me to just jump on the bandwagon without knowing the facts.


Dawn, I fully agree with innocent until proven guilty, but be aware that he has damaged MANY children's lives in this county. Ask any parents that had kids in any of his schools and they will know someone who a had a very negative or even criminal experience. Amerika's comments are the epitome of denial and apathy on the right when it comes to real issues with children. Just look at the pure political response to guns being the leading cause of deaths in minors. They only care about power and control. Obviously, his actions have now caught up with him, I just wish this community had dealt with it before more kids were harmed. I personally know of a sheriff/mom that pulled her kids out of one of his schools because of his actions and her distrust of him.


It's a joint task force with the FBI and the Sex Crimes Unit! You believe they've not done their homework beforehand or that "Leftys" are framing him for some political stance huh? Complete lack of discernment in America nowadays. It's time to protect the Children and drop the political glasses welded to our subconcience that taints are view!


He is also a racist but no surprise. We live in a county with it's very own proud boy group. ( a group the sherriff's and many community members support. Never mind it is documented as a hate group.)SAD!

Dawn E. Wolfson

The FBI have been known to set people up, and computers can be hacked. I'll wait for the trial. Or the plea. But if he's guilty, he can rot far as I'm concerned.

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